Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thunderbolts #3

First of two X reviews for tonight is Thunderbolts.  This series has been good, but not really great yet.  Here's hoping this is the issue the greatness begins.

Thunderbolts #3

Summary: Rulk and Deadpool are resuscitating the Leader, which Deadpool thinks is a bad idea since Punisher wasn't going to take kindly to working with a villain like the Leader.  Meanwhile, in Kata Jaya, Punisher is training a some rebel forces and Venom is... um, driving a truck...  As for Elektra, she's randomly been captured by Madman.  Huh.  Back with Rulk and Pool, Rulk manages to wake Leader up, but has kept him very sedated so he wouldn't be any trouble.  Rulk and Pool rendezvous with Venom, who is angry to see the two traveling with the Leader.  While Venom and Rulk argue, Punisher walks over and shoots Leader in the head, exactly like Pool predicted, ending this issue.

Thoughts: What the hell was THIS!?  I swear, as I started reading this issue I thought I missed an issue somewhere along the line...  I mean, last I remember, Deadpool had been shot in the head while working with Elektra.  Now he was suddenly with Rulk, with no mention of Elektra at all...  And nobody even mentioned Pool getting shot!  I mean, I KNOW it happened!  But here Pool was just randomly working with Rulk...  Weird.  And then there was Leader, who was drugged up and vomiting.  What purpose did that serve!?  Or Punisher shooting monkeys...  Or Venom driving in trucks...  I have no clue what this was all about.  And I didn't like it one bit.  I trust Dan Way, so I'll give this title a longer leash than most other series, but if things don't pick way up, this series may find itself in the scrapheap.

Score: 3 1/2 out of 10.
thunderbolts #3
Not yet, but I'm well on my way!


  1. Just like you, I was wondering if I'd missed something since this issue just jumped to Deadpool and Rulk, not even mentioning what happened after Pool got shot. The only thing I really enjoyed was Deadpool saying "TOLD YA!" at the end of the issue... and that's kinda sad.

    1. Glad it wasn't just me, JT. I can easily see myself giving this series through the first issue of the next storyline before I make a decision on dropping it. But we're getting there.

  2. Lol, I was so confused while reading this, yet I said nothing to JT who was sitting net to me at the time. Lol. I think I'm forcing myself to read this comic because Elektra is in it and I've died to have her return to the current comic world.

    Is it just me or does this guy look like Sinestro? Lol

    1. So that's three of us who were perplexed by this issue, Lisha... It's weird, I like most of this team, I like the writer, but for whatever reason, this story just isn't coming together for me. Maybe it's the setting... Maybe if they were fighting a regular super-villain or something I'd be more into this story... Idk...

      HA!!! I didn't even see it until you called it! Now I can't un-see it!! He DOES look like Sinestro!

    2. Lol. I wonder if there were others who were like "Wtf?" while reading this. I think I was eyeing the art more once I was confused lol. Hopefully the next story arc is better.

      Sinestro was slapped across his head the moment I saw him. Thought I was reading Green Lantern for a moment there.

    3. With how confusing this comic was, it might as well have been an issue of Green Lantern! Maybe then it would have made more sense! :D

  3. This is obviously beyond old at this point, but I'm just catching back up. In the summary at the beginning, it said Deadpool was shot in the head, but that he recovered from it while Elektra was captured. Cheap, yes, but they did explain it.
